👙 SEPTEMBER 15, 2016: The Jerusalem Post > Netanyahu’s video was, as expected, criticized within Israel by the traditional left wing, but endorsed by the vast majority of Israelis. - #Israel

Published: SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 21:03

Netanyahu simply stated facts. The Palestinians have made it eminently clear again and again that a Palestinian state would be Judenrein. 

One only has to review the ethnic cleansing policy adopted by the Jordanians in 1948 when Jews were expelled from east Jerusalem and the Etzion Bloc.

Despite slick PR Palestinian spokesmen denying this is not the case to naïve Western audiences, there is no question in the mind of anyone who understands the situation that Jews would not be tolerated in any Palestinian hegemony – and Mahmoud Abbas has publicly said it repeatedly.

The Palestinian Authority officially supports this approach and I can only express regret that, presumably out of sensitivities to liberal Americans who refuse to confront this reality, it took so long for Netanyahu to shine the spotlight on this despicable abomination. After all, this highlights the outrageous fact that the Palestinians seek to delegitimize Jews from all our biblical homeland. Other than Muslim countries, there is no place in the world today where Jews are prohibited from living.

Netanyahu is paving the way for Israel’s response to a predictable United Nations assault on its policies later in the year. The reference to Israel’s Arab citizens makes the valid point that, despite the inevitable upheavals during the 1948 war when the nascent Jewish state was invaded by combined Arab armies, at no stage has Israel engaged in systematic ethnic cleansing of its Arab inhabitants.

Not surprisingly, the US State Department responded that “using this type of terminology is inappropriate and unhelpful” and reiterated that settlement construction is an obstacle to peace. In so doing, they failed to address the legitimate question raised by Netanyahu as to whether they accept that a Palestinian state should be Judenrein.

American Jews can agree or disagree with Netanyahu. But for the head of the ADL, a major mainstream Jewish organization, to condemn Netanyahu in the journal Foreign Affairs, and accuse him of choosing “to raise an inappropriate straw man regarding Palestinian policy toward Israeli settlements” was unprecedented and totally unacceptable. He stated further that “like the term ‘genocide,’ the term ‘ethnic cleansing’ should be restricted to actually describing the atrocity it suggests – rather than distorted to suit political ends.” 

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